Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where Is The Love?

Some go throughout their entire lives looking for that "special someone." They will try everything; blind dates, websites, even the desperate spur-of-the-moment call to the dreaded ex. Many ask the question, "Why can't it just be easy?" See a handsome, mysterious guy. Possibly a little stubble. Cute smile, cuter laugh. You make eye contact and boom. You both just... know. This is it! The one you have been waiting for. So you fall in love, have 4, maybe 5 kids, and live happily ever after. The end credits glide across the screen and the audience gets up and leaves. The end...
Why isn't life like this? Why is life, real life, so hard? Maybe it just seems that way to me considering I am merely 16 years old. I know that I have the rest of my life to meet the guy for me. But sometimes, it is hard to believe. Believe... that is the word. The one that we need to hold onto. Hold onto that, and we will be okay. There is someone for everyone. I believe that. I believe that! Belief.. I guess that is my theme for the day. Belief, hope... love. It will all come together. Someday.

Love, Bre

Music to make you believe:
"Sing" by Travis
"Shape Of Things To Come" by Audioslave
"Upward Over The Mountain" by Iron & Wine
"Same" by Snow Patrol
"A Pair Of Brown Eyes" by The Pogues
"True Love Will Find You In The End" by Hey Marseilles
"The House You're Building" by Audrey Assad
"Anyone Else But You" by Moldy Peaches
"Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morisette
"Beg Steal or Borrow" by Ray LaMontagne
"I Will Always" by The Cranberries
"Almost Perfect" by Ingram Hill
"Hey Love" by Jason Mraz
"Love Song" by The Cure*
"Sweet And Low" by Augustana*

*Once again... had to pick two favorites. I can't help myself. :P

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